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Attica USD 511 Technology Educational
technology is a major focus in the halls of District Network: All
district computers are networked
to a tier 1 server via fiber optic cabling and use the Windows platform. To access any computer in the district, both
a user name and password are required. The
user name is an individual’s first and last name separated by a period
and all in lowercase. (Ex. john.doe) Passwords
are determined by the user but must be given to the Technology Coordinator
for activation and must remain secure. All
folders, files, etc. must be saved to the user’s server location;
not to individual computer hard drives. The
server is secure and backed up every night. (See additional information
in the Network/Internet Acceptable Use Agreement) Computer Labs: Teachers are encouraged to schedule times to use the district lab and/or laptops with students. Checkout sheets are available in the lab. Both the lab computers and laptops should be reserved in advance to guarantee availability. Teachers must come to the lab and assist with monitoring when it has been reserved for their class. However, individual students may come to the lab or checkout laptops with a teacher signed agenda stating the student’s purpose. Elementary Compass Learning Odyssey Lab: The elementary Compass Learning Odyssey lab consists of 15 wireless laptops that are used at a minimum of twenty minutes per day in grades K-6. The lab features 12 laptops set up for daily use and 3 laptops in the laptop cart which are available for checkout by grades K-8. The Compass Learning Odyssey standards-based curriculum offers comprehensive Web-based activities. These activities strengthen the student’s reading, language arts, math, social studies, science and English skills and knowledge. Supplemental materials make it easy for the teachers to integrate key concepts and activities into the classroom or the student’s home. The Compass Learning program continually monitors and assesses where the students are in relation to state and national standards, and then it automatically prescribes an individualized learning path based on each student’s performance and gains. Compass Learning provides opportunity for remediation or enrichment depending upon a student’s needs. Teachers have multiple reporting options to track student progress and they have the capability to further individualize student and class work. A test builder is also available that allows the teachers to create custom assessments that are pulled directly from the individual state standards. This provides an opportunity for teachers to assess student understanding in advance of the state assessment testing in the spring. In addition, the daily use of the computers to operate the program will provide students with a greater comfort level when the time for the online state assessment testing arrives. Information on student performance and gains can be used as a local assessment for Quality Performance Accreditation (QPA). Software: All Windows machines are loaded with Microsoft Office XP (Word, Excel, Access, Publisher, Learning Essentials and PowerPoint), Macromedia MX (Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Flash, Freehand), Follett Library software, Norton Antivirus Protection, and several other AntiSpyware programs. Other software programs available for limited use are Graphire Tablets, Adobe Photoshop, and Adobe Pagemaker. There are also a few curriculum programs available. Check with the Technology Coordinator for a list. Accelerated Reader and Star testing are available on all teacher computers and a number of district lab computers. Technology in the Classroom: Each classroom has at least one Windows computer workstation with printer which is primarily for teacher usage and AR testing. Several rooms have additional computer workstations for individualized drill and practice. The computer lab’s wireless mobile laptop lab is available for use by all classrooms K-12 and individually the laptops are available for overnight checkout by staff members. The elementary wireless mobile laptop lab is available for all K-6 classrooms. Classroom use other than Compass Learning Odyssey will need to be scheduled around the pre-set daily lab times for the elementary classes K-6. Several innovative technology-based classroom programs are available at Attica USD 511 including the second and fifth grades Learning with Computers classes, APACT, APACT2, APACT3 and the Jr/Sr. high school art department. The second and fifth grade Learning with Computers classes are introductory and utilize a project textbook in addition to supplemental materials to prepare students for APACT and gain a familiarity with computer usage for testing, etc. The APACT class is based on the nationally recognized Generation.Yes program where students are paired with partner-teachers to develop technology infused projects. Students provide the technology expertise while the partner-teachers provide the curriculum expertise. The APACT2 and APACT3 classes continue to build on the skills developed previously. A textbook in addition to supplemental resources and activities are utilized by the APACT, APACT2 and APACT3 classes. Students are exposed to various technologies in the above mentioned classes including but not limited to palm pilots, scanner, SMART Board, laptops, etc. The Art Department has incorporated the use of Graphire tablets and Adobe Photoshop into its daily curriculum to enhance student projects and increase student interest. Remember to contact the Technology Coordinator for assistance with classroom
technology integration. Internet Services and Email Accounts: Access to the Internet is available to staff and students of Attica USD 511 on at least 117 computers in the district. Internet access is provided via a wireless antenna to the district. All classrooms in the district have at least one computer with Internet access. Internet access is also available on all computers in the Windows labs. Email
accounts are established for each faculty member. Email addresses are
based on the subject or grade one teaches. For example, the email
address of a sixth grade teacher is sixth@attica.net. Check with the
Technology Coordinator for email addresses and passwords. The Bulldog Channel: Attica USD 511 is the only school in Harper County that broadcasts directly from school on its own dedicated cable television channel. The channel was established in 1997 in an effort to increase effective communication with the school and the community. Additional production technology equipment was purchased during the 2001-2002 school year that allows teachers and students to develop tape-delayed broadcasts and live broadcasts of classroom activities and school events. All school activities including conferences, open houses, music programs, and other extra-curricular activities are well advertised on the Bulldog Channel. School breakfast and lunch menus are posted weekly as well as other school and local information deemed important to the community. Football, volleyball, basketball, and special events are taped by students and then played at a later time for community viewing. Contact the Business Teacher for further information. Additional Equipment: The district is fortunate to have four LCD projectors, several scanners, color printers for teacher use, digital cameras in the yearbook, art department, and APACT class, two digital camcorders, lavaliere microphone systems, and one SMART Board. Please check with the Technology Coordinator for availability. Public Use: Computer lab and laptop computers are available for community use during school hours. Please contact the Technology Coordinator for further information and/or to arrange time for usage. Attica USD 511 Web site: Please be sure to view the school Web Site at www.attica.net/usd511. The site provides the community with an up-to-date information source regarding the happenings at USD 511. Staff
Development: All staff members
have been provided in service instruction on PowerSchool/PowerGrade,
network usage, computer maintenance,
and the wireless laptops. Staff members also had the opportunity
to participate in 40 hours of classroom computer integration training
through the Intel Teach to the Future program. Instruction in other
computer areas is available through the Technology Coordinator
and the Service Center. |
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